Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Things I've Learned

The aquarium project has come to an end. I have learned a lot about aquariums and other things throughout this time. Here are just a couple of things I have learned and remember from these past weeks. 
  1.  I learned how to evaluate a body of water and the order of the steps. 
  2. The nitrogen cycle was also something I learned throughout this project. I was taught on how the plants, animals, and bacteria work together to create a healthy environment in the fish tank. 
  3. Not only did I learn the nitrogen cycle, but that the nitrite in the cycle is the most toxic out of them all. It can kill the fish and the ecosystem. 
  4. Besides that, I learned how to make more in depth observations by observing my aquarium for weeks. You notice how things change in a period of time. 
  5. I also learned about pH levels, which are good and bad for an environment. You ideally want a 6.5-7.5 level so it is nearly neutral. I learned that a pH 3 kills adult fish and pH 4 affects reproduction. 
     As for next year, I would not change anything about this project. It was fun to take care of a fish and learn at the same time. I really enjoyed it and the students next year will too. 

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