Thursday, September 26, 2013

Molly Fish

            My fish that I have in my tank is a Molly fish that is black with some white specks. Meg, my partner’s, fish is a white/silver Molly fish with black spots. It looks like a Dalmatian. They swim around the tank and are friendly with each other, except sometimes they nip at each other. They also chase each other around sometimes; I think they do this out of territorial issues, since they’re both males. Male mollies are more slender than females and have a slightly longer tail fin.
  1.    A Dalmatian Molly fish is a hybrid color variation that can live in freshwater or saltwater aquariums.  
  2.  The Mollies can handle a pH level of 7.5-8.5.   
  3. The Molly fish temperament is peaceful.  
  4. They are omnivores that are a threatened species.  
  5. Mollies favorite food is algae. 
  6. They are a community fish that lives well with others.
  7. Yet, sometimes these guys will nip at each other’s fins.  
  8. The Mollies setup a division of hierarchy.  
  9. The male fish is the Alpha fish. 
  10. The Mollies can follow the rule of 1 inch per gallon; therefore two mollies can live in a 10-gallon tank. 
Mollies are overall a great pet fish to have since they are easy to take care of and are mainly a community fish. 

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