Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My Aquarium

            Meg and I have been taking care of an aquarium for about five weeks now. It is coming along just great and has maintained a balance. The plants I added are still alive to provide vegetation for the fish and organisms, along with producing oxygen for cellular respiration. The decorations are doing their job too by creating hiding spots for the fish. The tank water is clean and has no turbidity to it just yet. There aren’t many algae yet, but it has only been a couple of weeks. I have had two fish die, so now I have a black Molly fish. It should do well with the other Molly fish, but that did not happen. When I put them in the tank together, they started nipping at each other and chasing the other. As a day passed, they are doing better and don’t have many conflicts. However, are fish aren’t very bright and eat they fake algae on the rocks.
            Since the tank is doing well, so is the water. Each time we have tested our water it has remained precise and accurate. It hasn’t dropped or added much in levels. The temperature is 82 degrees Farhenheit. The last time we did ammonia and nitrate test was on September 20th. The ammonia test was a 0ppm and a pure yellow color, while the nitrate was a 0ppm and a true yellow too. This means our tank is the perfect environment for our aquatic life and they will survive. There isn’t too much bacteria or chlorine in the water to kill them. In addition to these test, we did a dissolved oxygen test. Ours came out to be a level 8mg/l. This was excellent and means that is too is also a healthy environment to support aquatic life. Overall our tank has been excellent and we haven’t had to change anything.

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